About Us

AGRIQUEST is established to help, support, serve the needs of farmers in agriculture sector. We are specialized in designing and building high-quality, integrated systems to analyze, develop, manage, and render solutions for farming sector. With the group’s background in the cultivation, commodity trading from farm to home and farmer to consumer framework, agri infrastructure setup, pre harvesting and post harvesting support activities., farmers can earn more income for their produce and lead better lifestyle. We create profits to farmers by providing potential buyer info and plan future benefits by agri programming that guarantees minimum support price to farmers.

Agriculture sector integration with information technology, created transparent platform for selling farm produce directly to traders and consumers at more price than brokers offer pirce. Our services group can collate and create databse of commodities from farmers, relate information from different sources, filter potential traders to buy farm produce with higher price that enhances life style of farmers. We also has consumers information, who is willing buy repeatedly selective commodities from farmers directly.


We always take ethical business decisions and respect everyone. We promote sustainability and social responsibility through our people, technologies and on-going commitment to our local and global communities.


Our mission is to be a trusted provider of innovative, simplified agri technology solutions and superior customer experiences at affordable cost to farmers, clients and consumers. “Quality is inherently built into all our services that include agri training, agri services, and agri products development”


We strongly believe that "farmer is backbone to every business indirectly". Affordable solutions with simplified innovation is key to farmer's success. We always collaborate, innovate and execute work on leading technologies to provide better life style to farming community.

Our Team

We recruit and inspire world-class talent that enables innovation, simplicity, market leadership, industry leading growth, and a superior business model.